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To TUYEN'S World of

 ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)wings.gif (3200 bytes)Sailormoon wings.gif (3200 bytes)Scoutswings.gif (3200 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)


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To all the fans of Sailormoon, this site is for you!!!

enter.gif (9601 bytes)BROWSE THROUGH THESE....

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wings.gif (3200 bytes) Scouts info. page ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)
wings.gif (3200 bytes) Facts page ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)ball.gif (1653 bytes)
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    Hi, My name is t.gif (3925 bytes)u.gif (4489 bytes)y.gif (4107 bytes)e(1).gif (4167 bytes)n.gif (4850 bytes)

and as you can tell I like the cartoon series Sailormoon.

    Sailormoon first enter the cartoon world as a magna (Japanese comic book) in 1992 and it's creator was none other then Naoko Takeuchi. It became such a hit that they turned it into a T.V cartoon and since then millions of people got hooked into the Sailormoon craze. The English version of the Sailormoon cartoon series aired in Canada in the fall of 1996. I've only seen all the episodes in the first series and a couple episodes of the second, so I'm not as up to date with all the new scouts that are shown in Asia.


There are five scouts in the first series:


smoon1.gif (18894 bytes)Serena (Usagi Tsukino) A.KA Sailormoon who's a whiney brat at the beginning but turns out in further episodes to be quite O.K.

mars1.gif (21771 bytes)Ray Hino (Rei Hino) A.K.A SailorMars a girl who lives with her grandpa at a Buddhist temple. Ray knows a lot about the spirits and ways to get rid of them by using fire:) She's my favorite scout!!!!:)  

mercury1.gif (21339 bytes)Amy (Ami Mizuno) A.K.A SailorMercury the brains of the whole team. With an almost perfect I.Q she gets her fellow scouts out of trouble in any possible situation.

ven.bmp (16618 bytes)Mina (Minako Aino) A.K.A SailorVenus. The other four scouts met her in battle and thought she was from the negaverse but in the end they found out that she was on their side. She brings Artimus into the cartoon and  looks a lot like Sailormoon.

jupiter1.gif (28121 bytes)Lita (Kino Makoto) A.K.A SailorJupiter who loves to cook and always says "Hey, he looks like my old boyfriend.....":)


                Come and sign my guestbook!

             I'd like to know what you think of my                                             site!                              


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      E-mail me at: [email protected]


sos1a1.gif (46183 bytes)Help bring more new SM episodes to North America!!!!!


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